We’re off to market this week! Looking forward to purchasing lots of surprises for next Fall and Christmas. Can you believe it? I already have products for the spring and summer coming in already.


Well, I have officially declared this the week that my Christmas tree comes down because I leave for market to buy Christmas for next season. I haven’t even had my tree up for a month, so I don’t know what it would hurt to leave it up until I get back from market. Every morning, before my son leaves for school he walks into the living room and declares, “Mom, tree down!” And then he promptly turns on the lights on the tree.

Secretly, I know he loves having the tree up as much as I do. He has as hard a time as I do letting go of Christmas. I know he loves looking back at the house as he gets on the bus. He loves the sparkle of the lights in the window as much as I do. No, he’ll not admit it. But, deep down, I know he knows the rest of the kids on the High School Special Ed bus love it as much as he does.

So I’ll not go on a guilt trip about still having my Christmas decor up in the middle of January. I think as women we do enough “guilt tripping.” It’s our nature to think we want to have a storybook life, where the dishes are always done, nothing ever needs dusting, kids are always perfect and husbands bring their wives flowers every evening. Sorry girls, it doesn’t happen here.

My sister tells the story of her friend that was always ashamed that every morning before her son would leave for school, he would never have a shirt that wasn’t wrinkled unless she would run to the ironing board and iron the shirt at the last minute. ( You can tell that was a few years ago.) Anyway, he would hurry and would put the shirt on, while running out to the bus. She would stand at the window and and verbally scold herself for not being more organized and more like the moms that seemingly have it all together.

One day, her son brought home a paper he’d written for class. It was a paper she’d found in a stack of other papers his teacher had graded. The name of the paper was “Warm shirts, on Cold mornings.” I’m going to enjoy life now and the people in it, and not always look back on things I wish I would have done.

Enough reflection. Let’s move onward and upward. Well, I can’t wait to share the new products with you in the upcoming posts about the store. The new shop is coming along and will be ready for the Spring Event – March 25th through the 29th.

Have a great week and think of us while we’re slaving away at market.
