Debbie Futhey - Floral designer at Memories of Home

Hello Everyone,

I don’t know about you, but in all truthfulness and transparency I just wanted to share an experience I had the other day. I was at a store when the words from a way off rang out, “Oh there’s the lady with Memories of Home.” I smiled and answered back with a “hello” or something on that order. And she asked me the standard question that you ask everyone you see after the holidays, “Well, how was your Christmas?” I wasn’t sure whether she was talking about my sales or about my interactions with family and friends. Nevertheless, I answered with the expected niceties of, “It was nice, and yada, yada, yada.”

Well, this customer answered with a surprising, “Well mine was not! I hope we never have to live through another Christmas where we have to be separated from those we love and the normal things we’ve always come to know and love about Christmas!”

I so appreciate her truthfulness and as I confessed to her after she shared her heart out and I have to agree that she was a far better person than I was for talking about the elephant in the room. I guess we could all look at the good things that we experienced from such a quiet Christmas–Not as many dishes to do, no guest beds to make and keep clean, no fancy or non-fancy parties to attend, no new clothes to purchase because we never go anywhere and shall I go on and on?

But the truth is, I would do anything to have my family back together again in one accord. I would do anything to be able to travel about and go to Christmas Eve Services and not have to social distance or wear a mask. I would do anything not to have to experience another Christmas like 2020.

So why do we decorate? Why do we spend so much time making our homes a haven of rest and security? Could it be that we enjoy so much sharing our homes and our lives with others? Could it be that it satisfies a longing that we have to be hospitable to those we love and those we want to love more?

Many years ago when my husband and I were married and raising 5 children, we had no money. We used to drive around the more affluent areas of Wichita during December to view the Christmas lights and we would see so many parties going on. It was so thrilling to see all the festivities of those people. And even though we were never invited to the festivities, there was a sense of enjoyment to see others having so much fun at parties to which we would never attend. Never did I dream that I would one day I would be helping those types of customers decorate for the holidays.

Which brings me to this: Why not continue decorating for myself in anticipation of the times that we look forward to having those people, whom we’ve missed and loved so much, be a part of my home again. Why not decorate for my own enjoyment and the pleasure of enjoying life and enjoying life as we used to know it–even if life looks like it may be a little different now? And then share it with those we love.

(Picture taken at Ethan Allen Furniture.)

So I am beginning a new adventure of completely transforming my main floor into something more updated. Is my furniture looking worn and ready for the dump? Nope—It is in perfect condition. Am I doing it because I feel depressed? Nope—Truthfully, I do go through times that I feel sad and that it’s not going to get better. And maybe it won’t for a while. But I remember the words of my mother and the Bible, “This too, shall pass.” Feelings of sadness will pass. Therefore, I’m moving on to what makes me happy and keeps me educated and entertained. It will make me a much more interesting person as well as giving me experiences to develop that inner creative in me. I hope.

I am going to be sharing that process with you from time to time. Not to be bragging on what I am doing, but to give you courage to step out and do what you love. Let’s develop that creative spirit that you know lies within.

And if you don’t think you have a creative bone in your body, let’s begin that adventure and see if you’re right. Chances are you’re more creative than you ever dreamed. And, if you are correct, there’s lots of people who can help. And you’ll be a better person for it. So—

Let’s roll!


Debbie Futhey - Floral designer at Memories of Home