Debbie-Futhey-Three-1-1July 14, 9 to 6
July 15 9 to 5
July 16, 9 to 3

It’s time! Mark your calendars for Thursday, Friday and Saturday for our annual Warehouse Sale. July, 14, 9 to 6, July 15, 9 to 5 and July 16, 9 to 3. We have lots of “stuff” that will fit those decorating needs that you’ve always wanted to do, but couldn’t splurge on.



Lots of holiday decor as well as everyday. And don’t forget the shop will be open as well. We’ll have some discounts in there, also. But remember–the 50% off is in the warehouse on the north side of my shop. Please come and take advantage of these deals. They won’t last long.

We can’t wait to move this stuff so we can get ready for the Fall and Christmas. So, empty your trunk and bring your girlfriends and enjoy this sale. And after you visit the warehouse, don’t forget to visit the shop. We’ve had new merchandise added there also.

July 14, 9 to 6
July 15 9 to 5
July 16, 9 to 3

