photo 2Dear Girls,

When in the world did we get to the middle of November and I didn’t even know it?  Have you collected your holiday recipes and the menus for the holidays?  Rest assured I am not going to tell you that I already have that done and guilt you into thinking that I am the most organized person in the world.  Nope…  I am still wondering where Thanksgiving is going to be this year and what I will bring (or serve if it’s at my home.)

I am glad to say that the store is well on its way to being presented to you by November 25 through the 29th.  We have lots of new items that you have not seen and some of your favorites still in the shop.  And remember, I’ll help you with decorating your mantle on your own by helping you pick out great items to decorate with.  Oh, and don’t forget that chandelier.  It’s a fun item to make the holidays more festive.

Yay!  I can’t wait.

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Mark your calendars for November 25. Tuesday, 10 to 6; Wednesday, November 27th, 10 to 3 (notice the time closing on that day); closed Thursday, Thanksgiving Day; Friday, 10 to 5; and Saturday 10 to 3.

I can’t wait to get the season officially underway.

– Debbie